This is the greatest thing you will ever see. Who ever dreamed that such genius could be shoved into a mere 1:30? Everything about it is the epitome of perfection. The story is mind-blowing and original, yet easy enough to follow that no one will get lost. The art is fantastic. The character designs, the way they move, the way the camera pans in and out. Flawless mastery of animation can be found here. The sound in this may make you want to go deaf because you know you'll never hear anything as wonderful as this in your life. It's not fair that I'm only allowed togive this 10/10; it deserves a 14/10 at the very least. And if the sound deserved a 14/10, the characters deserve something like 1million/10. The characters are deep, realistic, and you will fall in love with every single one of them, no doubt. Enjoyment? I may never watch anime again. Hell, I may never indulge in any kind of entertainment again because this is simply too amazing. Everything else feels like the shit a fly takes after eating a cow's shit that had been sitting in the grass for three weeks in comparison. Perfection has been achieved. If there is a God, he's got competition.