Gintama, known for gag series full of parodies that breaks the copyright law and some of them are taboo like politics as its reference, breaking the 4th wall with a wild abandon, and bodily crude punchlines. That's the Overall Image of Gintama. Nevertheless, the series have been overshadowed by serious stories at the later part of the show. I'm probably wondering what happened to Sorachi-sensei, I don't know how many more characters Gori-Sensei intends to kill off, he turned the Comedic Gintama into Tragic Gintama and even in the on-going manga, though he killed many characters before, even in the very first anime series ofGintama.
A weekly anime spanned for 51 episode that took a year to complete. Filled with humorous episodic and frame stories, but now it's known for its continuous serious arcs. The pacing was ok with a couple of two fillers in the first two episodes, at least it wasn't rushed nor it was slow, the episodes fits the arrangement, but they didn't adapted some arcs and chapters:
|| Kagura's boyfriend arc: 419-422
|| Excalibur arc: 424-429 // 430 (unrelated chapter)
|| Homeless arc: 431-433 // 435/444 (unrelated chapter)
|| HDZ48 arc: 445-449 // 487 (unrelated chapter)
|| Love Potion arc: 492-496 (Upcoming OVA)
|| Guardian Spirits arc: 499-501
|| End of Farewell Shinsengumi: 551
|| Rakuyou Arc: 552+
The Story was mixed with complex and simple ways of telling what it wants, sometimes the comedy gets absurd and sometimes they mixed it with ethics and there are few situations that it gets a full arc whether it’s comedy or not by the end of it. The latest season of Gintama have more complexed themes than before, like Gender Issues, Military Code, Betrayal, Politics, War, and Death, and there's also some hidden references used by Sorachi which was mentioned in featured articles:
The story is not unique to be honest, but what makes Gintama exceptional was its Gag Shounen Series that have shown great flexibility on using themes. Gintama is in the middle of Shounen and Seinen Demographic, it's officially Shounen which gives the whole series an action scenes and is the reason why it prevents Gintama from killing the main characters, to feel as though the principal cast is at risk is what I want. Kondo's death was teased several times throughout this arc, but I never thought they'd actually kill him. The series wants to demonstrate the true cost of war, but it never reaches Game of Thrones levels, where every character felt like they are going to killed anytime, but in this season it isn't yet.
The Comedy was very subjective, it's a hit or miss to many viewers especially to those who doesn't live in Japan, since most of the parodies were taken there, even the translators have to interpret what it means just to make the jokes reasonable, and sometimes it gets absurd which doesn't make any sense. At least there were some funny episodes which had ethical values on it, especially I like how they put funny episodes in the beginning and ends sadly, welp there's only 20 episodes of serious episodes and 31 for comedy episodes.
Then there's the Action and if a series has this, it means it's Shounen, which means cliched or common or anything that doesn't make the Anime better, well in terms of Action I didn't see any incantations, shouting their techniques or anything, which most of the shounen does, Gintama is a Straight Action without showing Power, Titles or Anything which is appealing for kids. Also Gintama haven't won any of the major arcs, they might have a cliched motivation and action but it's a fact that the two serious arcs was not about winning. Being victorious in the end of the show is what most of the shounen shows, but this season, there are now victory shouts nor praises in the end, it's just sad. The main themes involves society trying to preserve their own way of living rather than fulfilling a dream like in other shōnen series.
The Drama was the creme of Gintama, this series excels on it despite of the vast humorous chapters and episodes of the whole series, it makes every character likable and unique also gives them unpredictable future. So far Gintama is taking its Drama into a new level which destroys any Jokes or Gag Trope which was built before. Throughout the serious arcs, there have now been two character deaths. It is the evidence of how much Gintama has changed these past months. Although the main characters are still funny and durable, the fact that death is now an actual possibility.
|| Categories
Aliens | Alternate History | Episodic | Gag | Parody | Samurai | Shinsengumi | Strong Male Lead
|| Tropes
Arc Villain | Back-to-Back Badasses: | Dramatic Irony | Foreshadowing | Red Baron | Running Gag | Ship Tease | Wham Episode | Wham Line
|| Literary Techniques
Backstory | Flashback | Frame story | Plot twist | Irony | Metaphor
Gintama(2015) the latest season of Gintama ended with a Great Ending.
Gintama has a good art overall, not realistic but not standard or common, it's quite unique and memorable.
The Director was able to achieve the specific mood it's trying to convey, and the anime has surpass most of the Mangaka's work, but sometimes there're some broken or haphazard scenes.
The Background is good but not as good as Shaft's Backgrounds, well the background is not memorable, it did a good job as a support artwork.
The Character Design is the spotlight of the Art category, it matches the personality with memorable and unique design to each individual which makes them easy to recognize also gives them original characteristics and depth on their personalities.
The Seiyuu's are the best ever in Sound category, all characters who have worked in Gintama turned into the best Seiyuus in the Anime Industry which makes them Exceptional. They've easily matched the character and did a good job on conveying them in different situations whether it's funny or serious.
The Background music is still the same, but they've added some new music to fit in the serious arc. The BGM is not that much, it's not average nor bad, actually it fits the anime but it still lacks, but it does not matter as long as it did a good job on it. The BGM fits the anime, can't be used as a track on something else, unlike some BGM where you can easily listen to them and some can give you some goosebumps, so it's exclusive for Gintama only.
The Opening and the Ending is good as always, memorable visuals and music and fits the anime, unlike the BGM, the OP/ED were exceptional, they've even foreshadowed the individual cour, and the Last ED "Acchi Muite" was very deep that have shown the progress from the past which has been made throughout the story.
The Highlight of the Show, they are well rounded, flawed but with strengths, and usually they are stupid most of the time. Whenever they overreact during humorous episodes it makes them unrealistic but funny, but not on serious ones, where they act in realistic way.
The characters were made exclusively to Japanese, that's why it's hard to relate on them, though sometimes they were relatable to everyy people when they used metaphors, but still they are enjoyable to watch.
The characters have a small character development, the series is more focused on fleshing them out than making them ideal, at the same time the characters were balanced even some of them foils each other.
The Real Antagonist is a mystery, for now there's few antagonist that have motivation, backgrounds, and depths like the other characters, they were not used as a plot device to progress the story, though I'm talking about the serious arc, most of the funny arcs have empty characters who disappears after their episode ended.
Every characters are well rounded, except during humorous episodes, where they were usually doing their gag antics. They are well rounded when the story takes a serious turn, that's the time where the characters gets unpredictable even the supporting cast is not an exemption.
Narration was mostly did by the characters, I don't have any problem with their perspective literary technique, sometimes they break the 4th wall through their narration.
I love the characters in Gintama, though some of them were dealt as a comedy device and disappears in the series. The Supporting and the Main Characters are original and unique, the more the story goes, the more it uncovers their reasons, most of them have depth that even with their usual antics have been overshadowed. The anime have not yet covered the depth of some characters, so probably I'll hate some of them if I haven't read the manga.
Gintama has the most memorable characters of all time in my opinion.
Majority of those who've watched Gintama have enjoyed this, and I'm not an exception, well it's easy to get hooked on an anime full of comedies, but what I've really loved in this anime was the Paradox Combination of it, Gintama is the only Anime that was able to combine the impossible, it's like "Yin and Yang" Known for the Comedy Gag Parody but Gets Serious filled with Drama and sometimes adds a Tragedy. Historical and Sci-Fi, an impossible combination done right, but also known for the alternate reality of the history in Japan. The best are the characters, they are funny yet so deep that the more the story progresses, you've got to know them and eventually surprises you in the process especially in serious arcs.
This anime is not a good starter for newbies and non-anime/fans, because the whole series relies on the knowledge of the audience if it will be entertaining or not, They might like it but they might not get the meaning of some jokes and references throughout the whole series, but the series' continuity-lite nature ensures that new viewers won't feel totally left out.
Re-Watching Gintama adds my enjoyment throughout the series, I like the meaningful messages and laughable antics, but this Gintama season is the Saddest of all, it's easy to re-watch/re-read the whole series than to re-watch latest season.
Story: 8 - Creative Gag anime Shounen Premise with Seinen Elements
Art: 8 - Directed and Executed better than the manga
Sound: 7 - Great VA and OP/ED, the BGM does it job well but not memorable
Characters: 9 - The Highlight of the Show
Enjoyment: 10 - I love this anime