Doctor Boynton is a robotics engineer struggling for a breakthrough, while his son Toby longs for his affection. One night, a shady criminal, Skunk Kusai, visits his home and offers Dr. Boynton a new circuit known as the Omega Factor, which would allow robots to become far more human-like, to the point of defying all Laws of Robotics. Boynton angrily throws him out of his home. Toby, having overheard their conversation, suggests to his father that he design a new robot that resembles a human boy. Boynton is inspired by this, and creates a new template for this design. However, he neglects his promise to spend time with Toby at an amusement park, hurting Toby's feelings. As Toby leaves the park, he is caught in a traffic collision and is horribly injured, and dies from his wounds in the hospital; before this, he has his father promise him to make the robot in his image and treat it like his own. Overcome with grief, Boynton completes the project, christening the new robot after his deceased son, and brings him to life. However, Skunk has copied the template designs as well, and takes them to a scientist named Walpurgis, who builds a robot he names Atlas. Boynton takes the robot Toby home, teaching him about life and how to live like a little boy. However, some time later Toby becomes paralyzed, his eyes blinking red, and disappears from Boynton's home. Boynton and his colleagues track Toby down using a robot tank, but the tank suddenly goes berzerk with them inside, causing Toby to rush to save his father and his colleagues. Little do they realize that Toby's behavior was caused when Atlas was activated; the two robots had "called" one another. Later, in the hospital, Boynton tells Toby that he is very proud of him, but since he was no longer a secret, the two would have to leave the country for a while. Atlas and Walpurgis' robot maid, Livian, discuss his purpose, with Atlas uncertain of what lies ahead for him. (Source: Wikipedia)