As Goku and Vegeta continue their vigorous training, Shanpa and Vados abruptly arrive on Beerus' planet. After a small skirmish between Beerus and Shanpa, everyone settles down to eat some food. Formal introductions are exchanged, where Shanpa is introduced as Beerus' twin brother and Vados as Whis' older sister. An argument erupts concerning which Universe's food is superior. This leaves Goku and Vegeta bewildered. Whis explains that there are twelve universes, with two universes that add up to thirteen being compliments of one another such as sixth and seventh. After Vados discovers that Universe Six's Earth has been destroyed through warfare, Shanpa proposes a tournament between Universes Six and Seven to determine who acquires the Earth of Universe Seven. Beerus protests the idea, believing it to be impossible. Shanpa, however, ascertains that it is doable by using the Super Dragon Balls, which the Namekian Dragon Balls were trimmed from. Goku informs Beerus and Shanpa that Bulma is capable of locating the final Super Dragon Ball necessary to perform the wish. With tensions mounted, Beerus accepts Shanpa's proposal. (Source: Wikipedia)