VainOrphan2000 #Recommended 😂❤👍 2 7/10
TL;DR if you liked the show, give it a watch, if not, don't worry, this short wont change your mind either way. So, if you're here, I'm assuming you've watched Sora No Method and you're wondering, 'is this worth watching?' It really depends on what you thought of the main series. The story is a continuation of the main series, so if you want a little more story on how things turn out after episode 13, then maybe its worth a watch. I should also mention, not including the intro and outro, the special is only about 6-7 minuted long, so unless you're really fuming atthe ending of Celestial Method (which alot of people were and I don't really blame them), then it might be worth a watch. I thought it was pretty funny for what it was.