soulstyce #Recommended 😂❤👍 29 10/10
You probably were looking through the Gintama side-stories one day, noticed "Gintama x KFC" and were left with utter confusion. Then you remember that this is Gintama we're talking about here. Yes, the most ambitious crossover in anime: Gintama partnering with China KFC. As this will be the best advert for KFC you will ever see, it is only right to give it a 10/10. There's a plentiful amount content to excited about in the main series of Gintama - this is definitely not the best thing to come out of Gintama. Make sure you watch more than 6 episodes of the 300+ episode anime beforeyou reach that conclusion! Nonetheless, enjoy your Gintoki-flavoured ice creams and maybe one day this will happen again. One day.