In another timeline, a war has been raging between the Time Patrol and an evil army from the Dark Demon Realm, led by the Dark King Mechikabura. The conflict between them has reached its final battle, as the Supreme Kai of Time, Chronoa, and a team of elite Time Patrollers (consisting of the Xeno counterparts of Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Goten, Pan, and Future Trunks) have invaded the Demon Realm to deal with Mechikabura once and for all. Super Saiyan God Xeno Trunks and Super Saiyan 4 Xeno Vegito are battling against Mechikabura, while the others look on. Xeno Vegito overpowers Mechikabura, while Chronoa empowers Xeno Trunks' mystical Key Sword with her magic, enabling him to strike Mechikabura down. The Supreme Kai of Time then uses her magic to seal Mechikabura away, while her magical bird companion Toki-Toki uses his own magic to wash away the darkness of the Demon Realm and destroys the demons' palace. Chronoa thanks the Time Patrollers for their help, and they return home triumphant. However, it's revealed that just before the destruction of the Demon Realm, the Demon Queen Towa and her servant Mira sent Towa's child off into the timestream to save his life, and the child is revealed to be a young version of Fu. (Source: Wikipedia)