A lot of people relate to the series in addition to being amused by it, and with this movie, the Osomatsu-san team has certainly taken it to another level. [Spoiler free] • Overall: (8/10) • Story: (7/10) While most audiences would have expected the twists in the story (is it just going back to the past?), they were executed quite well; and in true Osomatsu-san manner, they broke the 4th wall. Plenty of references from the culture of that era (Back to the Future had a whole scene) and watch out for Easter eggs! It follows a simple but impactful plot, one which gently underlines therelationships between siblings and their relationships with others. The interactions all feel natural and real; utilising universal feeling of being lost. Centring the day and the day before of the Matsuno brothers' high school graduation, audiences may finally understand why the brother and their friends are who they are today. The plot unfolds each beloved character with just enough of care that the jokes don't undermine the seriousness and trueness of the characterisation, instead it complements it wonderfully.
The ending was beautiful and had me in tears. It is reassuring to be told that eventually, we will all be fine, that no matter what the future holds, we need not worry over it so much, which is essentially the core of the story.
It is okay to be you, you're fine just the way you are.
The catharsis comes full circle during Takahashi's monologue, and by far she is the most impactful character despite having so little screen time, as she drives the plot forward. The cherry on top are those pictures of the Matsuno's high school years (which everyone has probably seen) and the final scene where the movie reminds us of the fun that the Matsuno's still embody.
• Art: (6/10)
Osomatsu-san's art has been steadily improving since the first season, and thankfully too. Now, the scenes are more detailed while retaining their vibrancy, and the characters are fluid. Bonus points goes to the absolute cuteness of some characters, and the sneaking in of some Easter eggs during the third act.
• Sound: (7/10)
The Opening song was fitting as usual, paying tribute to the Showa Era style of the original Osomatsu-kun with its upbeat and bright track. May not have been memorable, but still a good choice.
Audiences who have been following the series since season one would be able to have a mini nostalgic run with some of the more iconic OSTs from the anime being used in crucial moments of the movie.
The Ending song is the one I personally vouch for the most, because even though the ending is a very sad one, they chose something that was slightly incongruous with that theme. Not to say that the lyrics are completely happy, but the song gives off the image of acceptance in life. The brothers have finally rid themselves of any lingering regrets and are returning to their lives with renewed vigour.
The voice acting was perfectly funny, with these A-list seiyuus giving their best performances as their younger selves, making them distinct and memorable.
• Character: (9/10)
Indisputably the best aspect of the movie. Rather than focusing on just the Matsuno's, the movie digs through every important character's past selves, their worries, their traumas, their needs. We as audiences get to see another side of them, the side which makes them who they are, and it isn't surprising that we can relate to a lot of them.
The old adage "never judge a book by its cover" may be clichéd but it holds true in this movie, where through the unearthing of their histories, we learn more about them and our love for them deepens.
The relationships between characters were also portrayed smashingly well, from the sibling disputes, to why they all have such distinct personalities due to that dispute, and their relationships with characters close to them.
Kudos to the team who have also managed to put in the unfairness of society whether they be young or old. High school has its own set of problems but the adult world has its own, and stigma towards those who are in the minority or those who stand out will always be there.
• Enjoyment: (10/10)
I have always enjoyed the jokes in Osomatsu-san, and it certainly did not disappoint, especially after the slight decrease in quality in season 2.
The main message os the story which moved me to tears also contributed to enjoyment, even though I feel as if my eyes are bruised now.
To have jokes and to have such a heartwarming story is a combination that many do but few achieve. Osomatsu-san: The Movie is now one of the few who has achieved it.