What a movie... I just came back from rewatching it, and looking at the reviews, people don't really get the whole point of the movie, or if they do, they're comparing it too much, which is fair. (THERE'LL BE SPOILERS, OBVIOUSLY, BUT THAT'S NOT TOO IMPORTANT FOR THIS MOVIE) I'll be rating it on Characters, Plot, Art/Animation, Ending? and Enjoyment Characters - 9.5: ---- THIS is the movies biggest selling point, it's a big goodie bag of practically every character that's been in the series so far, and it's FUN. Throughout the movie we're getting people like buggy, hancock, crocodile, and even vice admiral a, b and c, ithas a mix of relevant characters and irrelevant characters, and with the introduction of new characters, it makes the movie more and more interesting cause you start playing guess who, with who appears next. The characters in this movie provide the movie with a lot of life and enjoyment throughout it, and it works, I enjoyed every second a new character was on, so this definitely deserves its score, if that's it...
It's not a fair review if I ignore bullet and whatever the other guys name was, this movie (unlike gold, strong world and Z), lacks a good villain. Bullet is the definition of powerful for the sake of powerful, which is fine, if he had an interesting personality or backstory, however his whole 30 seconds of past was nothing compared to Tesoro or Zephyr, and he wasn't as wacky as shiki, so when it came to fights, you didn't really have a reason to sympathise with rocket, nor support him for any reason.
However, despite this being the case for Rocket, I still don't think it's any reason to knock the character score down much, cause this is a festival, as villain b says, this is just a big goodie bag full of fun characters fighting a big villain, it's just meant to be fun, so I don't think it deserves to lose marks for characters when the villain wasn't the main selling point.
Plot/Story - 8:
IF I focused strictly on Bullet and the amount of questionable things that happened in this movie, I'd lower the mark, but once again, this movie is about fun and may as well be a fan story.
I guess I'll give you a gist of the plot for the movie. Pirates throughout the world called to a certain island where a treasure of rogers exists! Who will get it for themselves? Who'll remain victorious!!! Wooo!!! BUT WAIT! Big man from a certain important crew shows up and everyone teams up against him!!! That is the gist of the story, obviously the journey to point A and B is there, but this is all for the story, if you came here for some mind blowing and emotional story, then this isn't your movie, but if you didn't, then I'll explain what the charm of this story is in the next paragraph. YEAH!!! WOO!
This story is driven by a fan fictions what-if scenario, since every pirate came to get this treasure, that means a lot of your fan favourite characters, yeah! But that's not all, they have unique interactions with each other, THIS is the story for me, how do we defeat big ole godzilla wannabe? Easy, just get trafalgar law, buggy, smoker, crocodile, hancock, luffy and sabo, I know... a few weird ones there, but that's what this movie is there for, to create what-if scenarios and give you results of that, it's really just FUN, I can't stress this enough, this movie IS A FESTIVAL, you just get to see your favourite characters face off with each other against big old villain man, so simple that you're just there to enjoy the interactions with each other, so yeah, that's the story/plot, cool right.
(And yeah, I get you, everything I've said is practically a repeat of the characters, but that's what this movie is, so I'm not entirely wrong).
Art/Animation - 9:
There's not much I can say about this, but what can I say is that I'm a sucker for thick lines, I LOVE this style, and I love how this is the animation/art in wano. Having bold lines really engages me, and it really makes the characters look a lot more appealing, and with the mix of black lines on a white canvas, mhmmmmhm, a blissful encounter. I really can't say anything more, the colours are engaging, you don't get lost in the fight, you can clearly see what's happening, and most importantly, you don't lose that one piece charm, which is always a positive.
Ending - 9:
You're probably wondering why I have this as a score, but it's how I just round up the plot/enjoyment, in other words, my satisfaction.
The ending of this movie was a blast, you hear the start of a familiar song, a weird and cool alliance is formed each performing their known movies, and BAM- screen goes white, black lines from impacts show, and KABLAM, satisfaction is irradiated. It was a blast of an ending, and don't get me started on a familiar fire fist, an amazing finisher to the movie with an absolutely killer ending song, it was a wonderful finish for the movie.
Enjoyment - 9.5:
YEAH!!!!! Is all I could say during this movie, it was soooooooo fun, I don't see why people were let down by this movie, once again it's fair to compare it to gold, z and strong world, but don't do that, you are doing that unfairly, this movie is all about fun and the essence of one piece, a true treasure I guess, hah. Seriously, you can't watch this and finish it with an uninterested face, I'd highly recommend to check this out, it's fair if you don't enjoy it, but as long as you try it, all will be good, it's just like a big ole recap in one big happy movie.
Overall - 91/100:
So yeah, sorry if I repeated myself several times, or marked this unfairly/inaccurately, it's my first review, but my overall rating won't change no matter what, it was a ride, it was fun, and it's a treasure in a way, to show you how far this series has come. So farewell for now, I hope that I got at least 1 person interested in it.