This season is one of the best seasons of AOT overall. I'm still living off this last episode high, but even so. Each word spoken is used and important. There are no filler episodes, no wasted screen time or useless still frames. Each part from the sound design, to the voice acting and character development. It's all amazing. Firstly, the story. The anime introduces many concepts and tries to juggle them all at the same time. You have many different factions, ideas, plans, backstabings, idoligies, all clashing at the same time. Each one trying to come on top of the other. And its intresting how theyall come down to two factions at the end. And that's what so amazing about it. The show doesn't try to mush all these concepts together, but rather tackel them one by one untill only two remain. Two decisions, all because of Eren. Which leads me to characters.
Each character is written so well. They feel almost realistic. In such horrible situations, you get to see the ugly side of these characters. Each person is dynamic, going through changes internally and externaly. That could be Theo strugleing with the fact that his entire view of the world is wrong, or Armin coming to the realization that his life might have been the wrong choice to save back in season 3. And I love that their decisions actually have conquences. That not every plan they come up with works. And don't get me started with their excellent voice acting.
You can really feel the spectrum of emotions that these voices portray. When they cry or outburst in anger, it feels real. As if the VA's are experiencing the situation themselves. But the voices are not the best thing about the sound design. The soundtrack is good even when you're not watching the anime. An insane OP accompanied with an impactful song for each scenario bumps the anime several times. Not to mention the carriages, horses, wind, leaves, echos, distant animals, all of the ambience. Its spot on. The anime is rarely silent, and when it is, the animation backs it up with something incredible.
The animation is as amazing as always. The ODM gear scenes is still fun to watch. There are not a lot of anime that are out this season thats has good animation. AOT is a clear exception, with great fight scenes, lighting and smooth movements. My only gripe is the 3D is not the greatest. Its not horrible, but it does take away sometimes. But not all the time. For example, the final scene of Eren rumbling destroying all those battleships. Its incredible. And the 3D doesn't take away from it at all.
In summary part 2 of season 4 doesn't disappoint in terms of the other season. Its many great qualities outshine my gripes. I found it very enjoyable to watch.