As May heads off toward the North with one hooded person, Scar escapes with another to the West. Grumman, disguised as a woman, meets up with Mustang to discuss current matters. Upon hearing that Grumman saw May at the train station, Mustang asks Armstrong to pass the message onto Edward, who had decided to look in the library for information on alkahestry. Upon passing on the message, Armstrong also gives Edward a letter of introduction to pass on to his sister Major General Olivier Mira Armstrong at Briggs Fortress. Later on, Edward and Alphonse meet the Führer's adopted son, Selim Bradley, and are invited to his house where they also meet the Führer's wife, and are later joined by the Führer himself. After the meeting, the Elric brothers head off toward the North. Meanwhile, Scar and his accomplice escape from the train heading toward the West, and Kimblee tries to predict Scar's next move. (Source: Wikipedia)