It is revealed the dungeon contains a creature known as a Spiegel that can read the memories of those who enter the dungeon and use that information to craft perfect replicas of the raiders. Denken's party attempt to confront the Frieren replica but are forced to withdraw. Übel and Land are cornered by an Übel replica. They successfully work together to destroy it, with Übel correctly guessing that Land would intervene to prevent her from dying for his sake. While exploring, Frieren uncovers a hidden section of the dungeon containing a long lost mural. She, Fern, and Sense then make their way to the bottom of the dungeon where Denken's party is waiting. They warn Frieren about her replica and discuss methods they may use to defeat her. However, they realize Frieren is immune to restraint and hypnosis magic so they will have to find another weakness to exploit. Edel's party runs into a replica of Sense. Edel tries to mind control it, but the replica does not have a mind and cannot be controlled. Edel is injured and is forced to break her bottle and escape. She orders her party members to retreat and warn the other mages about what they learned. In a separate fight, Wirbel's party manages to defeat their replicas by choosing favorable match ups for each member. With no other ideas, Denken and Frieren conclude that brute force is their only option. Fern suggests that, with their assistance, she can kill the Frieren replica. (Source: Wikipedia)