Superstar season 3 is an amazing conclusion to the beautiful journey we’ve been on with the original cast for the past few years now. It’s the best, story, performances and production-wise of any love live season. A must watch for any idol fan! I don’t know if Sunrise brought more budget or just had more people working on this season, but Superstar Season 3 feels like a massive improvement in every way over previous seasons. Every episode was gorgeous and had an engaging narrative. It’s Love Live at the end of the day, so the focal point here is the performances, music and the girlsjust being wholesome. All of those requirements were well met. I thought all of the girls’ mini arcs were fun, the little Liella civil war arc was great and seeing the girls kind of find their own paths as we approach graduation was a joy. Unlike previous seasons of love live where I zoned out at times because arcs weren’t interesting, this felt action packed from the start and it was great to see various parts of the world in this season! We globe trotted from Shanghai to Vienna and the girls did their thing everywhere they went. Not a single boring episode or dull moment. While the end result of the Love Live competition was obvious, it’s more so how the studio laid the foundations for us to reach there. We see several of the members go through low points, lose their way and stumble a bit before rejoining the group and determining what they want out of life. This year’s championship felt very earned because of all the adversity and obstacles we had to overcome to reach it. I also think a lot of complaints people, myself included, had with Liella were fixed in this season. The biggest of which being that they introduced so many characters so rapidly and didn’t flesh all of them out. I mean at the end of season 2, Natsumi is still pretty annoying, Shiki and Mei are somewhat endearing, but we just didn’t know much about them! This season makes a point to give everyone some much needed development, including some of the original members. I ended this season with a strong attachment to all of the girls and honestly, it might be the strongest of any of the love live groups now. I cried and got emotional at several points this season due to how good certain characters’ stories were! Thank you to Sunrise for creating characters we can really get behind and support. Production wise, wow this looked beautiful. Character designs, animation, the music, the choreography, it was flawless. Sunrise have really mastered that 2D-3D blend that they started using a few years ago and now the performances feel much more engaging and weighty. They’re not jarring at all which is big in a series that relies on fans getting into the performances. The music itself was great too, we had some absolute bangers this season that will be in rotation for a very long time. Can’t sing enough praise about how much of an upgrade this was. I could’ve done without some of the fanservice towards the girls, which this season felt like it had an exceptionally high amount of.. but other than that, perfect. Really goes without saying, if you’ve watched the first two seasons, you need to watch season 3 to get the full story of Liella and to see the new chapter they’re embarking on. It’s an upgrade in every way on existing Superstar seasons as well as previous other Love Live seasons. Heartwarming, emotional, fun and a great experience. I can’t wait to see what this franchise does next. Love Live gets 10 notes out of 10.