I guess many people already know about the bad reputation of “Dragon Ball Evolution” or the second season of “The Promised Neverland”. Welp, unfortunately, it just happened to be the same case for this Anime. I didn’t have much expectation upon seeing the trailer, but man, this is just too much to deal with. Calling this abomination a train wreck is even an understatement. The disaster inherently stems from the concept in the first place. Let’s imagine this, if allowing Anime to be aired on Netflix through batch release is considered a crime, then allowing the masterpiece “Hi no Tori” to be directed by an incompetentperson and exclusively aired on Disney+ is unquestionably an atrocious sin that must never be tolerated. Whoever came up with this idea has made the worst decision of their life. In the original work, “Nostalgia” is deemed one of the greatest arcs, along with "Future", “Karma”, and “Resurrection”. Harsh, savage, dramatic, high-stakes, and psychologically heavy, these characteristics are what made the original highly regarded. It doesn’t shun bringing controversial subjects like incest, homicide, and cannibalism for its thematic exploration. Yet sadly, none of those traits are presented in this adaptation. Instead of getting something truly deep and mature, we’ve got a light-hearted, shallow, frivolous, child-friendly story that is safe to watch in the living room with your niblings. The over-modification to befit the medium is repugnant to the point no trace of the source can be found. I really really do wonder if that director actually read the work himself. Almost every setting and world-building was altered. Characters should appear never appear, characters shouldn’t appear then appear. The details should exist never exist, the details shouldn’t exist just exist. The character should be dead somehow alive. What a heinous joke! I can’t remember how many times I shook my head while watching this. Man, if only it had at least one saving grace. The characterization is even more cringeworthy, and the theme of homesickness is portrayed in the most superficial way imaginable. In the Manga, Romy is depicted as a strong, determined, independent, and decisive woman. Her struggle for survival and to carry the weight of being the only woman on the planet Eden, seeing her husband and her offspring gradually pass away causes great damage to her mind. It’s the trauma that begets an immeasurable pain of fear, loneliness, despair, and thus leads to her strong feeling of nostalgia. The sincerity and earnestness make us sympathize with her and her story. So what do we have in the Anime? A weak, naive, happy-go-lucky mother who sleeps most of the time until her descendants wake her up because the show has to avoid incest, which is not suitable for kids rofl. Then she stays as the queen for 40 years, and the motivation for her homesickness only boils down to her boredom. I’m crying hard for its cheap sentiment not gonna lie. In addition, her journey returning to Earth later is also a mess. The Manga offers an arduous voyage that’s full of terror and danger, a dark and vast universe as though depicted in Lovecraftian horror. Upon reading this part, I could feel every fiber of my body getting goosebumps. Alas, just like other elements, what is presented in this Anime hardly can’t be taken seriously. Even Wall-E is more menacing than this crap. It's all I want to talk about. Sorry if it feels like a rant, but I’m not only madly disappointed but also extremely irritated by this disgraceful piece of trash. If you feel tired of mainstream Anime, and are currently seeking a new experience, it actually might not be a bad watch. However, if you’re a fan of the Manga or merely someone who loves to see something profound, intellectual, impactful, and thought-provoking, then I genuinely advise you to stay away from it at all costs.