In the final episode, Eren and Reiji battle against the Scythe Master's assassins. Techniques shown from the first arc where Eren was training Reiji come into play when she fights against Scythe Master's phantoms and eventually defeats them. Reiji overcomes his enemies with the help of Cal's pocket watch. Eren finally gets the courage to kill Scythe Master and Eren and Reiji escape from Japan. McGwire gets the message that Scythe Master and Drei lost and with so much evidence left Inferno will eventually be finished but has one final task before that happens that is to kill Reiji. Reiji and Eren set out to find her past and end up in Mongolia as hinted in the travel brochure throughout the series. However, when they finally reach their destination in a field of Oxytropis flowers, an unidentified assassin kills Reiji with a silenced gun, and he collapses silently to the ground. Ein then appears to commit suicide by eating a leaf of the poisonous flower. It is hinted in the leadup to his death that Reiji saw his end coming, and accepted it, having considered his final task complete. (Source: Wikipedia)