Fullmetal Alchemist: Reflections, the r-word in there couldn't be any more straightforward. Reflections, as in reflecting on something, and please note that the “s” is for pluralization. I'm going to be as straightforward as that title or else this might turn into a grammar lesson. This 55 minutes long OVA goes through various characters (Edward, Scare, Roy...), each thinking back on what happened, bringing back all of those big impacting moments of the show, and let's be clear here, it's all contained in the events of the original Anime adaptation, “Fullmetal Alchemist” (not the Brotherhood remake). Sounds as generic as any recap right? But wayhigher in quality than most of those. And this is why.
For once, storytelling was changed massively, but still had the vanilla feel of Fullmetal Alchemist despite there being rushy jump-in-between several plot points all the way through. We got to see all of the stories again from the eyes of various conflicted characters.
Animation wise, this had me drop my jaw in favor of giving appreciation for the fantastic dedication that was put into this project, the image quality was still bad, but the content had a special care to it. And to think that Fullmetal Alchemist had this kind of quality going on even in the old-school days is just mind-blowing (I've watched both adaptations, and it seems that the updated version had fooled me long enough).
I've been waiting to address this, the musical scores were spectacular. Phenomenally and smoothly blend into the scenarios and with such a perfect transition that you couldn't' notice them kicking off. I was never a huge fan of the subbed of Fullmetal Alchemist, but this can be either a hit or miss for some people. Switching focus on different characters and their perspectives was truly genius, it made me relive the days when I used to theorize my crazy speculations on the show. The lore was very overwhelming and crazily draws you in to even go as far as rewatching the Anime adaptation all over again. I would most differently recommend this for the fans that want to have a quick refreshing recap, it's both informative and fun to watch. I wouldn't recommend watching this over the Anime adaptation as it still skips through so much stuff, and only serves as a nostalgic reminder for the fans of the series.