I wouldn't watch this if you haven't seen the Tayutama -Kiss on my Deity- series and if you did don't watch it expecting it to be anything like the series. This is really just some random short stories that don't seem like stories at all. Like I said there small stories in each episode, they're kinda dumb but were pretty funny, but there wasn't really an overall story to the series and it doesn't follow anything like the Kiss on my Deity show. The art was the same for the most part, and the scenery came out looking nice. The music for the show really made the smallstuff more enjoyable and the ending theme was nice. Most of the episodes the characters were the same but there was a couple episodes where the characters were anything but their originals, like I said it's just some random short stories. The characters came out really good though and made the small stories work really well. I indeed enjoyed this though I wouldn't watch it by itself. The shows were really funny and the characters were funny. Overall I gave it a 7 just because it's so random and it has nothing to do with Kiss on my Deity. Don't get me wrong it was nice but I wasn't so excited about watching every episode but I'm glad I watched them all.