DBZ: Dead Zone, the movie. Movie. Movie? In... 40 minutes? Kay. Mercifully short, so... thats good. Yay? The story's about this blue little thing, who wants dragon balls. He and his minions kidnap Gohan, since they need just the dragon balls. The blue thing makes a wish with a dragon balls, the carrot cake and the Jolly Green wrinkle-brick show up, everybody yells and punches the air like spastic apes, this black hole appears, and the blue thing gets sucked. That's it. So... yeah. I saw it. I saw it, and I... huh? Then what? Honestly... what?! What! Well, I tell you, what! A completewaste of time, thats what! Seriously... I know I wasn't expecting anything at all, considering my utter and passionate disliking for this franchise, but to actually admitting that you're expecting nothing, and then get nothing, to surprise you... that just hurts! I know it's what I deserve, but still... it hurts! Alot! I would really like to be angry about this - considering the score - but... I just cant! It just isn't that... it is nothing! Nothing at all! This movie is... nothing! Nothing to be angry about, and nothing to be interested about! It just... came, and went... and is never, ever, coming back!
When I first saw this movie as a parody, from TFS, I actually saw some blind, hopeful, yet short-lived potential, in it - how foolish of me! I tought, it was actually hilarious... kinda cool, actually - my tummy hurts, from all the laughing! So I found the original, and said... hey, it can't be all that bad - it's only 40 minutes long, thus hardly even a movie! What bad can it really do?! So I saw it, and... ended up skipping most of the entire movie, actually! Hups. But that can be justified, however, when there's not enough story, for even a full-length movie - 40 minutes of... bantering, at it's worst! - and the action is so tired, and bland, that I just skipped it, and welt like didn't miss a thing! Which I didn't! I could have fallen to sleep, and still could easily follow the... story, with ease! I mean, really... even for the DBZ-franchise, the premise is really, really boring, bland, and predictable! Some guy just wants some sweet juicy immortality, and take over the world - in this franchise, who even cares anymore?! Today it's Pilaf, tomorrow Piccolo, and next year, either Frieza, or Cell - pick your favourite now, before the lines are closed from the votes! And the villain himself, was so stupid, that even if he had the balls - no pun intented - to wish himself some sweet immortality, he was ultimately beaten, by his own stupidity! And rather easily, too! That's just... wow. Just... wow. It's not even meccha-Frieza level of disapointing anymore! It's just... I don't know! I've lost my words. Just... no. No!
But, since my score is actually quite high, there must've been something good in this... piece of waste, right? Right! Well, as a matter of fact, there was - gasp! The art is actually a TONS of better, than the series - which isn't much, since the action... what little there is, happens mostly on blurmotion - and the voices, expecially Piccolos, are quite better too! Finally, Chris Sabat had his sexy voice right... and not like his trademark of a frog army! Anything else... no, not really! The premise is dull, as a butterknive... made out of paper, and the story is... wait, what story? There was a story?! Where?! Lemme see! Oh, right, Gohan... Gokus brat, becoming forcefully a apprentice, or something... and something about the world domination... destruction... solar system... apples that have drugs, to make this piece of piss enjoyable... or something, I don't know! Like I said, I skipped most of the movie, since absolutely nothing happened! Nothing! It literaly hurts me to realize, how little I just saw, compared to the vast superior parody! No witty dialogue, no interesting plot, nor story, no funny/clever/interesting/actual villain, and... Yeah, nothig, really. This movie is... nothing. It's just.. there! For the fans! Yay?
This movie - seriously, is too short to be a movie! - with all it's artificial taste of a wet cardboard, mixed with some baby Gohans piss, drank by Krillin, is a prime example, of an anime, I like to call, a Candy without the Sugar- anime. It's nice to look at, but you don't want to put it in your mouth! The story's so paperthin, that there's really none at all - fitting, considering what I feel the franchise as a whole - and feels more like a two random filler episodes, put forcefully together, than actual coherent story... which it isn't! The thrill isn't there, the threat's nonexistent, the world doesn't expand - not that it really needs to - and characters... well, they're there... all the same... as always... most of them, not actually doing anything at all. Just giving a fans a wave, and then... leaving... and staying gone... to let all the pointless bantering happen. Yay?
So, all in all... what did I actually get, from watching this? Slight headache? Possible death sentance, from the fanboys? The TFS's parody? You know what... not too bad a deal! I'll take it! Anything else, than another try for this movie! Yay?
Story: 2
Art: 6
Sound: 5
Characters: 1
Enjoyment: 2
Overall: 3