While searching for a kitten, detective Higeoyaji meets a boy named Sharaku in town who asks him to find his missing mother. The only clue is a mysterious sphere that Sharaku's mother gave him. In the meantime, Skunk has been committing crimes to steal the treasure from a secret room, using a daring method of announcing the crime. When Atom is asked to join the investigation, he meets Higeoyaji who is chasing Skunk, and somehow ends up working as his assistant. Through repeated trial and error, the duo of robot-hating Higeoyaji and robot Atom gradually get closer to the truth. What seems to be a locked-room crime is actually a crime committed using Gadem, a special magnetic robot that can be freely assembled. And it was Sharaku's mother who discovered the mechanism of Gadem. In order to save Sharaku's mother and capture Skunk, Atom and Higeoyaji confront the Skunk-controlled magnetic robot Gadem. (Source: Wikipedia)