In order to subdue the robots, the Ulysses crew, led by Duke Red, headed for Robotania. Ena and Reno are chasing after them, and Ena is trying to tell her father, Duke Red, that Kipp didn't hurt her, and to stop the attack. On the other hand, Atom goes to Robotania to stop the battle, but he runs out of energy and falls into a crevasse, getting hurt. The person who saved him was Dr. Tenma. He orders Atom to "break away from humans and become the king of robots" and tries to give him a new body. Atom shakes him off and flies away. In the town, AI robots, including Uran, are about to be dismantled, and the battle between humans and robots rages on in Robotania. Finally, Duke Red activates a satellite beam cannon that will obliterate Robotania in an instant. (Source: Wikipedia)