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Dr. Sarah Rockbell (also spelled Sara in the 2003 anime) was a surgeon and the mother of Winry Rockbell, the daughter-in-law of Pinako Rockbell, the mother-in-law of Edward Elric and the maternal grandmother of Edward and Winry's unnamed children. She married into the Rockbell family by wedding Yuriy Rockbell, Pinako Rockbell's son and practiced medicine alongside her husband. When the Ishval Civil War reached its peak, the two left their family home in Resembool to help treat the wounded on the front lines. Though both Amestrian, the Rockbells were rather well known in the Kanda region of Ishval for treating the injured on either side of the conflict. Though many, including Doctors Marcoh and Knox, viewed them as a medical inspiration and several Ishvalan people owe their lives to the husband and wife medical team, the Amestrian military officials began to view their humanitarian effort as a nuisance and sought to have them killed. (Source: Fullmetal Alchemist Wiki)